3 node PMG cluster - with "send-only" master

Thomas k.

Active Member
Jun 11, 2019

I want to set up a 3 node PMG cluster. The master should remain behind my firewall. The 2 slaves should run at two different hosting centers.
I want the master to send emails only. And the 2 slaves shall receive emails only.

On my domain's DNS I will set up the 2 slaves nodes as MX records.

My question: Does the master (that only sends emails) need to be able to receive mails from outside? Or are bounced mails being send to my external slaves (MXer)?

Thanks in advance,
In general I think it's best practice (and probably required in some RFC) that a mail-server accepts mails (at least to postmaster@ ) - but I'd assume that there are many working setups where this is not the case.

As far as bounce-messages are concerned - I think they should simply be sent to the original envelop-sender (the address provided during the MAIL FROM command) - but would still suggest to keep an eye on the logs.

Alternatively - it should not be too problematic to relay your outbound mails through your 2 external nodes either

I hope this helps!
In general I think it's best practice (and probably required in some RFC) that a mail-server accepts mails (at least to postmaster@ ) - but I'd assume that there are many working setups where this is not the case.

As far as bounce-messages are concerned - I think they should simply be sent to the original envelop-sender (the address provided during the MAIL FROM command) - but would still suggest to keep an eye on the logs.

Alternatively - it should not be too problematic to relay your outbound mails through your 2 external nodes either

I hope this helps!
Hi Stoiko,

thanks for your answer. The reason why I want to send the outbound traffic through or firewall only, is because I want to use our own IP. I made bad experience with several hoster's IP addresses. Lot of Blacklisting and other problems.
