3 node hosts on Hetzner: storage, HA etc.


Renowned Member
Jun 30, 2010

I'm about to start a project on Hetzner provider with 3 proxmox node.
I wish to have a network storage on dedicated 10GB nic's (ceph or gluster will be fine) and maybe a dedicated nic also for cluster proxmox.

Anyone has experience on this topic?
Do you think it's doable?

tnx in advance
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Having dedicated networks for Ceph and Corosync is definitively a good idea. It is important that you have low latency for those networks, so make sure that Hetzner's network setup makes this possible.
Having dedicated networks for Ceph and Corosync is definitively a good idea. It is important that you have low latency for those networks, so make sure that Hetzner's network setup makes this possible.

I just have some doubt to clarify:

By design we need to nat all our VM, so I think we will use a VM acting as gateway for all the other VM on the same cluster. Question is: what happens if we move to another physical node the gateway? It's possible or we will have network service disruption?
If we cannot use a design like that someone knows if Hetzner can provide a firewall with NAT for the dedicated servers?
https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/matrix-px said:
Hetzner Online's stateless firewall allows customers to define filter rules for incoming traffic via their accounts in the customer administration interface Robot. For example, customers can set rules regarding IPv4 source addresses or the TCP/UDP source port. Defining firewall rules like these prevents unpermitted access to customers' servers.
Maybe that feature exists, but the description doesn't explicitly say so.