25Gb FS switches


Renowned Member
Feb 3, 2015

I usually buy FS modules and these modules work as expected despite low costs.

I'm wondering if you guys also use FS switches, 25Gb+ models with mlag. Well known network brands are very (to much) expensive these days !

Pro/cons appreciated !

Thanks !
What would be a requirement? QSFP28 or is QSFP+ also possible? Do they have to be new devices or is refurbished not an option?

Personally, I would prefer Arista and usually buy them refurbished. The Arista DCS-7050QX-32 have 32x QSFP+ ports, 24 of which can also breakout. Of course, they can also use MLAG and, above all, they respond to SNMP queries within a few seconds, unlike the EX3300 from Juniper, for example.
For around 500 EUR I think the switch is absolutely fine, there's nothing much to say against it.
Thanks, I'd prefer new devices :)
my servers have mostly 2+ SFP28 ports so I assume I will go for a device that have at least sfp28 or 100 Gb with breakout cables
Okay, then you can understand that the well-known manufacturers are too expensive. That's why we only buy them refurbished, especially at Arista the switches are sold out quite quickly by the hyperscalers and then become available very cheaply.

Personally, I wouldn't buy switches from FS.com, I trust Arista, I know the devices and I can handle them well. I always think it's important that you can handle the device. A landscape of different manufacturers with sometimes a better CLI and sometimes a worse one is absolute hatred.

From a technical point of view, there is nothing wrong with FS.com switches, because some of them are the same devices as those from well-known manufacturers, just under a different brand and a different OS. If you look at the S5860-48SC, you might think that you have a Dell switch in your hand. I can't prove it, but it's really often the case that only the appearance is changed and the rest is just the same.