2-node cluster: How to allow VMs to automatically start w/o quorum?

would adding a quorum disk be feasible for your setup? thats a MUCH better solution to clustering than running a 2node cluster with expected_votes=1

Details: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Two-Node_High_Availability_Cluster#Quorum_Disk_Configuration

TL/DR: you need a 10MB iscsi export on a third system to "solve all your problems" :)

Ha - 10Mb Ethernet is not going to happen for me any time soon :) That's okay, though, this is probably overkill. Temporarily declustering the other node is probably my best solution if anyone knows how to do that.
I wasn't talking about 10GBit ethernet. The quorum disk is literally what I said: a random file on a random linux system, with a total size of 10MB, that has to be exported via iscsi.