Can you provide any pointers on how to install the OpenManage Enterprise vm on Proxmox?
Also, I installed emc OpenManage on a Windows vm but have no idea what the login host name, username, and password would be?
Any help would be appreciated!
After lots of research and trial and error, I finally figured how to create a Dell OpenManage Enterprise VM.
Here are the steps which worked for me:
1. Register and download Dell OpenManage Enterprise OVF installers (
2. Extract OVF folder and copy to Proxmox host's iso directory (/var/lib/vz/template/iso/)
3. Run Proxmox command 'qm importovf [any available VM id] /var/lib/vz/ovf/template/iso/openmanage_enterprise.x86_64.0.0.1.ovf [your storage device]
ex> 'qm importovf 105 /var/lib/vz/ovf/template/iso/openmanage_enterprise.x86_64.0.0.1.ovf datapool
4. Before starting new vm you will need to make a couple of additions to the setup:
4.1 Add network device and change SCSI Controller to 'VMware PVSCSI' from the 'Hardware' tab
4.2 Enable QEMU agent from the 'Options' tab
5. Start VM and setup password and proper network parameters for your network from the textual configurator via the Console
6. Now you should be able to login to the Dell OpenManage Enterprise interface from your browser (note: default username is 'admin'). The ip address is '
https://[previously configured ip from step 5]