1/3 mons down after pve6to7


Apr 13, 2021
I performed a PVE 6 to 7 upgrade last night following the Proxmox documented procedure. Two of our nodes came up without issue. One of our nodes is giving this error:

1/3 mons down, quorum prox-ceph1,prox-ceph2mon.prox-ceph3 (rank 2) addr [v2:,v1:] is down (out of quorum)

I have tried restarting the affected node.

I have tried restarting the monitor service with combinations of the following commands:

systemctl stop ceph-mon@prox-ceph3

systemctl start ceph-mon@prox-ceph3

systemctl restart ceph-mon@prox-ceph3

systemctl status ceph-mon@prox-ceph3 returns this:

root@prox-ceph3:~# systemctl status ceph-mon@prox-ceph3

● ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon

Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service.d


Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2021-10-29 08:28:02 EDT; 1h 13min ago

Process: 182103 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ${CLUSTER} --id prox-ceph3 --setuser ceph --setgroup c>

Main PID: 182103 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

CPU: 52ms

Oct 29 08:28:02 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

Oct 29 08:28:02 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Start request repeated too quickly.

Oct 29 08:28:02 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Oct 29 08:28:02 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

Oct 29 08:32:11 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Start request repeated too quickly.

Oct 29 08:32:11 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Oct 29 08:32:11 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

Oct 29 08:33:32 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Start request repeated too quickly.

Oct 29 08:33:32 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Oct 29 08:33:32 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

The monmap on a known good node returns this:

root@prox-ceph1:~# ceph daemon mon.prox-ceph1 mon_status


"name": "prox-ceph1",

"rank": 0,

"state": "leader",

"election_epoch": 10120,

"quorum": [




"quorum_age": 27933,

"features": {

"required_con": "2449958747315978244",

"required_mon": [








"quorum_con": "4540138292840890367",

"quorum_mon": [









"outside_quorum": [],

"extra_probe_peers": [],

"sync_provider": [],

"monmap": {

"epoch": 4,

"fsid": "27c7fb73-57f0-4d1d-8801-1db89fc9b7c8",

"modified": "2021-10-22T01:34:27.238492Z",

"created": "2020-10-20T16:18:19.674390Z",

"min_mon_release": 15,

"min_mon_release_name": "octopus",

"features": {

"persistent": [








"optional": []


"mons": [


"rank": 0,

"name": "prox-ceph1",

"public_addrs": {

"addrvec": [


"type": "v2",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0



"type": "v1",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0




"addr": "",

"public_addr": "",

"priority": 0,

"weight": 0



"rank": 1,

"name": "prox-ceph2",

"public_addrs": {

"addrvec": [


"type": "v2",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0



"type": "v1",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0




"addr": "",

"public_addr": "",

"priority": 0,

"weight": 0



"rank": 2,

"name": "prox-ceph3",

"public_addrs": {

"addrvec": [


"type": "v2",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0



"type": "v1",

"addr": "",

"nonce": 0




"addr": "",

"public_addr": "",

"priority": 0,

"weight": 0




"feature_map": {

"mon": [


"features": "0x3f01cfb8ffedffff",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 1



"mds": [


"features": "0x3f01cfb8ffedffff",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 2



"osd": [


"features": "0x3f01cfb8ffedffff",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 8



"client": [


"features": "0x2f018fb87aa4aafe",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 1



"features": "0x3f01cfb8ffedffff",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 10



"mgr": [


"features": "0x3f01cfb8ffedffff",

"release": "luminous",

"num": 1





The IPs and ports listed above appear to be correct. I have tried for hours to get the prox-ceph3 monitor daemon to start and run. I have gotten it to start after a reboot of the node, however it is stuck in a 'probing' state. I read that the monmap may be corrupt on prox-ceph3 so I tried to inject the monmap from our prox-ceph1 node and it give me an error stating the dir doesn't exist but it does. I was trying to use this command to do this:

ceph-mon -i prox-ceph3 --inject-monmap /tmp/monmap


ceph-mon -i mon.prox-ceph3 --inject-monmap /tmp/monmap

The exported good monmap is from prox-ceph1 in /tmp/monmap:

root@prox-ceph1:~# ceph-mon -i prox-ceph3 --inject-monmap /tmp/monmap

2021-10-29T09:49:03.612-0400 7f4f96dcf580 -1 monitor data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3' does not exist: have you run 'mkfs'?

Our nodes are up, the OSDs are running, VMs are running and operational. I do have these warning in the Ceph Health Detail:

root@prox-ceph1:~# ceph health detail

HEALTH_WARN 1/3 mons down, quorum prox-ceph1,prox-ceph2; noout flag(s) set; 2 pools have too many placement groups; 4 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 975 sec, mon.prox-ceph3 has slow ops

[WRN] MON_DOWN: 1/3 mons down, quorum prox-ceph1,prox-ceph2

mon.prox-ceph3 (rank 2) addr [v2:,v1:] is down (out of quorum)

[WRN] OSDMAP_FLAGS: noout flag(s) set

[WRN] POOL_TOO_MANY_PGS: 2 pools have too many placement groups

Pool VMOS has 512 placement groups, should have 64

Pool cephfs_data has 128 placement groups, should have 32

[WRN] SLOW_OPS: 4 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 975 sec, mon.prox-ceph3 has slow ops

The too may PGs warning started when I upgraded from Nautilus to Octopus to take the PVE 7 update. I haven't gotten back to resolve that warning yet as the mon warning is more concerning right now.

Any help with this issue would be appreciated. I realize this is a wall of text, but I wanted to provide everything I've done up to this point. The only thing I haven't tried is rebooting all the nodes in an attempt to get the mon quorum to renegotiate. As it stands now, I can't get the prox-ceph3 mon daemon to start or join the quorum. I've exhausted my knowledge of PVE as I'm new to it. I've tried to do my due diligence, but I'm against a wall now.

Thank you.
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As you still have 2 of 3 monitors available, you could try recreating the failed one.
As you still have 2 of 3 monitors available, you could try recreating the failed one.
Thank you, do you happen to have a documented process for this? I searched for it and found these commands:

pveceph destroymon prox-ceph3
pveceph createmon prox-ceph3
pvecm status

Also it may be necessary to remove the current mon, prox-ceph3, from ceph.conf?

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Reactions: Ayush
I followed the documentation and tried to destroy and recreate the monito on prox-ceph3. This is the syslog:

Oct 29 11:28:58 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:28:58 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[300861]: 2021-10-29T11:28:58.745-0400 7f39580ab580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/store.db/CURRENT: Permission denied
Oct 29 11:28:58 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[300861]: 2021-10-29T11:28:58.745-0400 7f39580ab580 -1 error opening mon data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3': (22) Invalid argument
Oct 29 11:28:58 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 29 11:28:58 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301126]: 2021-10-29T11:29:08.985-0400 7fa396590580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/store.db/CURRENT: Permission denied
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301126]: 2021-10-29T11:29:08.985-0400 7fa396590580 -1 error opening mon data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3': (22) Invalid argument
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 29 11:29:08 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301358]: 2021-10-29T11:29:19.233-0400 7f43f283e580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/store.db/CURRENT: Permission denied
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301358]: 2021-10-29T11:29:19.233-0400 7f43f283e580 -1 error opening mon data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3': (22) Invalid argument
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 29 11:29:19 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301604]: 2021-10-29T11:29:29.477-0400 7fbb789fd580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/store.db/CURRENT: Permission denied
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301604]: 2021-10-29T11:29:29.477-0400 7fbb789fd580 -1 error opening mon data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3': (22) Invalid argument
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 29 11:29:29 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 4.
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301835]: 2021-10-29T11:29:39.725-0400 7f5811b17580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: While opening a file for sequentially reading: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/store.db/CURRENT: Permission denied
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 ceph-mon[301835]: 2021-10-29T11:29:39.725-0400 7f5811b17580 -1 error opening mon data directory at '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3': (22) Invalid argument
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Oct 29 11:29:39 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:49 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Oct 29 11:29:49 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:29:49 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Oct 29 11:29:49 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@prox-ceph3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 29 11:29:49 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Oct 29 11:31:02 prox-ceph3 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

I waited several minutes, then tried to destroy the prox-ceph3 monitor again since it gave an error.
The GUI says: no such monitor id 'prox-ceph3' (500)

In the GUI prox-ceph3 is now in this state after recreating it and still won't start:
prox-ceph3 gui monitor state.JPG
Oh, there was a permission problem then.

What's the output of the following commands?
ls -l /var/lib/ceph
ls -l /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/
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My ceph.conf :
         auth_client_required = cephx
         auth_cluster_required = cephx
         auth_service_required = cephx
         cluster_network =
         fsid = 27c7fb73-57f0-4d1d-8801-1db89fc9b7c8
         mon_allow_pool_delete = true
         mon_host =
         ms_bind_ipv4 = true
         osd_pool_default_min_size = 2
         osd_pool_default_size = 3
         public_network =

         keyring = /etc/pve/priv/$cluster.$name.keyring

         keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-$id/keyring

         host = prox-ceph1
         mds_standby_for_name = pve

         host = prox-ceph2
         mds_standby_for_name = pve

         host = prox-ceph3
         mds_standby_for_name = pve

         public_addr =

         public_addr =

         public_addr =
Oh, there was a permission problem then.

What's the output of the following commands?
ls -l /var/lib/ceph
ls -l /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/
root@prox-ceph3:/etc/pve# ls -l /var/lib/ceph
total 48
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 bootstrap-mds
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 bootstrap-mgr
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 20  2020 bootstrap-osd
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 bootstrap-rbd
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 bootstrap-rbd-mirror
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 bootstrap-rgw
drwxr-xr-x 4 ceph ceph 4096 Apr 16  2021 crash
drwxr-xr-x 3 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 20  2020 mds
drwxr-xr-x 3 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 20  2020 mgr
drwxr-xr-x 3 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 29 11:31 mon
drwxr-xr-x 8 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 20  2020 osd
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Aug 12  2020 tmp

root@prox-ceph3:/etc/pve# ls -l /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/

total 12
-rw------- 1 ceph ceph   77 Oct 29 11:31 keyring
-rw------- 1 ceph ceph    8 Oct 29 11:31 kv_backend
drwxr-xr-x 2 ceph ceph 4096 Oct 29 11:52 store.db
Oh, there was a permission problem then.

What's the output of the following commands?
ls -l /var/lib/ceph
ls -l /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/
The output of the commands are in my previous post. Are there any permissions that need changed that you can see? Thank you very much for the assistance with this, it's greatly appreciated.
Following up on this issue. I can not destroy the newly created prox-ceph3 monitor. When I attempt this it gives the following error. Please see the outputs from the "ls -l /var/lib/ceph" and "ls -l /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-prox-ceph3/" commands above. Thank you.