zerotier network device

  1. D

    Zerotier in LXC

    Guten Abend, versuch zerotier in einem LXC Container zum Laufen zu bringen. Im Webinterface von Zerotier erscheint auch der Klient erkannt bekommt aber intern keine IP/ Device?! zerotier-cli listnetworks 200 listnetworks <nwid> <name> <mac> <status> <type> <dev> <ZT assigned ips> 200...
  2. B

    Zerotier interface not showing in datacenter:node:network properties

    I would like to ask around if the zerotier network device can be used with proxmox 6.1-5 webgui network device management? I simply installed zerotier as root and yet it does not show in the network properties at all. I sure would like to be able to use it like a physical port here.