
  1. C

    Zentyal Mail Server + Proxmox Mail Gateway, worth it or redundant?

    Hello, I love Proxmox VE and now I'm deploying Zentyal as a mail server, so I wonder if it is worth it to add Proxmox Mail Gateway to my infrastructure. Since Zentyal already includes Sieve, Amavis, ClamAV and SpamAssasin, will I get any benefit with Proxmox Mail Gateway or would that be...
  2. T

    Multi Proxmox, Zentyal as VM on PVE1, but an able to ping PVE2 from a client (no GUI access)

    Hi All, Was finding this difficult to trace cause but hopfully this might help others proxmox (PVE1@ (working fine for several months) VM Zentyal 6.3 VM ( VM CenOS etc ... Client (PC@ DHCP via Zentyal, Zentyal wont allow /24 not...