
  1. K

    SOLVED: Proxmox Web-GUI stopped after I tried to modify it

    I can still reach my proxmox server through SSH. However, the web-gui does not load. It starts to, loads the fav icon, then just a blank webpage. I did not enable firewall. I have three containers. Each were running well, then I noticed I could not access the Web-Gui. I rebooted. Now, the...
  2. L

    Problem mit LXC Containern

    Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit unprivilegierten LXC-Containern auf Proxmox 5.3. Nachdem ich die Container ins Backup aufgenommen habe, bleiben die Container vermehrt hängen. Auch die Anmeldung an der Web-GUI ist teilweise nicht mehr möglich bis zu einem Neustart des kompletten Servers. Das...
  3. J

    Any way to restore the "old" UI for the VNC console?

    The little fly-out tab on the left (in the VNC console) obscures content when in a shell session. I've also found it a bit cumbersome to work with and doesn't really add any utility to the vnc session over the old UI using the toolbar at the top of the screen that I can tell. Making it modal...
  4. P

    Issues webgui "TypeError: me.getSelectionModel is not a function"

    Good morning, I've been using proxmox for years and I've never really had any problems except now. When I'm on the web interface: 1. I select a CT lxc container 2. I select resources 3. Select Memory 4. And I click on edit Nothing happens but an error in the JS console TypeError...
  5. S

    Web-GUI not allowing login

    So my web-gui was not allowing me to login as root or any of the other users. I ssh into my PVE and I could login just fine with root and my other user accounts. Found another thread around this forum that suggested removing the pve-manager and re-installing it. I successfully removed the...