
  1. B

    [SOLVED] How to tell /vncwebsocket to reply in text mode suitable for xterm.js?

    Hi While integrating an xterm.js-based web terminal that talks to a Proxmox VM into my application I stumbled across the following issue. How can I tell the /vncwebsocket endpoint to answer using the text-based protocol documented in readme? I assumed that passing it a `vncticket` obtained...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] 401 Credentials failure when connecting to proxmox novnc websocket on private web

    The domains are the same internal network, but the IPs are different.(pve server:32.99:8006, web server:32.22:4200) Problem Statement: I called the /api2/json/access/ticket endpoint to retrieve the ticket and CSRFPreventionToken values. The ticket was used as a browser cookie, but I’m not sure...
  3. D

    Proxmox vncwebsocket connection - 401 No ticket

    We try to avoid getting csrf token because of the lack of api token support. We wanted to get a script to run on the lxc without the need of ssh and tried to make use of the API websocket implementation. We've come up with following code: import requests import threading from time import sleep...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] vncwebsocket 502 by proxy

    PVE 8.2.4 , nginx 1.26.0, apache2 2.4.62 I create a CT with IP, and I install nginx for proxy Cp noVnc 1.4.0 to nginx path /mnt/dist/static/novnc Visit Post vncproxy Api and get port and ticket Get encodeURIComponent(ticket) try connect with...
  5. P

    Api call Timeout from vncwebsocket

    Hello i have a web app and i can't pass this issue My Proxmox mngt is on ``` const handleManageVM = async (vmid, node) => { try { const authTokens = { token: account.token, pveToken: account.pve_token...
  6. L

    noVNC working but getting connection timeout on /vncproxy

    Hi, I have followed to implement noVNC console some time ago. Everything is working but: 1) in PVE I have noticed two same /vncproxy calls where the first one has connection timeout and second is connected, 2) I...
  7. S

    API Route vncwebsocket accessible via API Token

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the use of API tokens in Proxmox. I am trying to use the vncwebsocket API route via an API token, but I keep receiving an 401 error message stating "invalid authentication - 401 authentication failure" Task log: client connection:
  8. Y

    Using vncwebsocket via API - LXC works while QEMU doesnt

    Hi all Been butting my head against the wall for the last few days over this issue. I was hoping if maybe someone has had the same and found a solution Summery: 1) We are using the API (tokens only, no cookies) to get the vnc credentials using the vncproxy endpoint with the added flag of...
  9. M

    Getting a '502 - Bad gateway' when proxying the vncwebsocket.

    Hello, I am currently using Nginx to embed a console onto an external webpage. To accomplish this, I am proxying the content to the Proxmox host. Please refer to the Nginx configuration below: Nginx configuration: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server...
  10. K

    [SOLVED] [Proxmox API]: vncwebsocket endpoint not sending data (Ratchet)

    Hello, I'm trying to make a Proxmox interface website for a school project, I have to give access to VMs and visualize them, handle permissions from my own interface... Here are the constraints : I've to use PHP 8 and Symfony 6 for the server side. The client should never have access to the...
  11. J

    access webinterface/vnc via apache reverse proxy / load balancer, novnc ws connection failing

    Hello, I have 3 nodes (alpha, beta, gamma) that I am trying to access via a reverse-proxy with a balancer, the idea being that if one node goes down, the balancer will select another node automatically. I am using apache2 as the reverse proxy. I got the web-interface working, but when using the...
  12. J

    [SOLVED] Is there any way to autofill the vnc websocket password prompt?

    Hello What I need to do, is basically autofill (or make the password not required) when getting the novnc console via websockets) The setup is: Browser- nodejs proxy - proxmox In the browser I can't really do anything with it, because it's required before the pages render, and the vnc-ticket...
  13. J

    [SOLVED] Websocket connection invalid pvevnc ticket

    Hello Reading through the API call I can successfuly make request to the following endpoints: post - api2/json/access/ticket post - api2/json/nodes/node/lxc/vmid/vncproxy get api2/json/nodes/node/lxc/vmid/vncwebsocket From these (besides other things) I have the pvevnc-ticket, the websocket...
  14. F

    Embed Proxmox noVNC on external Website

    Hello, i have searched for a long time, but have not found an answer for this problem. The goal is to include a noVNC instance on a website where the virtual machines can be controlled. However, the Proxmox server should not be accessible from the outside, but only the page with the novnc...
  15. A

    Webconsole on another webserver with xtermjs

    I am attempting to host a xtermjs terminal on another webserver. When using xtermjs library and javascript websocket the connection fails. import { Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { AttachAddon } from 'xterm-addon-attach'; const user = "root@pam"; const ticket =...
  16. A

    Proxmox api vncwebsocket

    Hey guys :), I am currently trying to embed a console into a website. from what I read to this point the way to do it is : - vncticket = ticket from previous request ; port = port from previous request The first part works just fine.(I get a ticket in following format : PVEVNC:xxxxxxxx==)...
  17. D

    PHP API VncProxy und VncWebSocket

    Guten Tag, ich bin mittlerweile mit meinen nerven am Ende. Ich versuche gerade über meinen WebServer eine VNC Verbindung zum Proxmox Server aufzubauen. Steuerungen wie neustarten und stoppen von VMs mittels der Api funktioniert. Allerdings das einbinden der VNC geht nicht. Aber ich verstehe...
  18. L

    proxmox vncwebsocket

    I had some problems with proxmox. Please help me. I tried to connect to VNC using the proxmox API (local, not using the console in the proxmox web panel) through noVNC. I send POST requests to/api2 / json/nodes / {node} / qemu / {vmid} / vncproxy to get vncticket and port. Then, I pass the...
  19. R

    Proxmox 4 NGINX Proxy and VNC problems!

    Hi all, I hope somebody can help me. i have some problems with my NGINX Proxy and the VNC Console in Proxmox. i can use the vnc console on every machine no problem, but i can type some times and after a few seconds ( 20 -25 sec.) the console hangs! i can type nothing more, if i switch to...
  20. C

    noVNC from my desktop

    I get downloaded the latest kanaka NoVNC and there's Host, Port, Password & Token fields in noVNC to connect a VNC server. so i did run commands to vncproxy generating ticket,cert, ... and vncwebsocket with vncproxy as argument and the answer from server is clear: post vncproxy: Array (...