virtio or scsi

  1. A

    Passing an entire SATA HDD to TrueNAS Scale VM

    When I am trying to pass an entire SATA HDD to a TrueNAS Scale VM, which interface should I be using? SATA? SCSI? or Virtio Block? My Gigabyte H110 D3A motherboard only has one SATA controller, and four SATA ports on board. One of them is used for the Proxmox installation itself. As a result...
  2. U

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 VirtIO Drivers Not Signed?

    Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong spot. I'm trying to build a Windows 10 VM, but Windows can't see the VirtIO vdisk. So I tried following this link and installing the virtio scsi drivers ( E:\virtioscsi\w 10\x86 ), but I'm getting an error saying the drivers aren't signed. I tried using...
  3. Y

    Boot problem Changing from Virtio to SCSI Virtio on Windows srv 2016

    Hello, i'm testing Win2016 server VM, using Virtio disk ( no SCSI VIRTIO ) i have very slow I/O performance ( Write Back or NoCACHE ). Is it better to switch to SCSI VIRTIO ? I have tried but the VM can't boot .. need i a new setup from zero or can i switch in some way from Virtio to SCSI VIRTIO...
  4. L

    Windows Server Setup VIRTIO or SCSI ?

    What is the best setup for Windows Server 2012 R2/2016 using NVMe SSD ? Is VIRTIO or SCSI the way to go ? I installed both to test and I cannot tell a difference, So I just want to ask is there any difference ? It also looks like the random (16.0) Read speeds are really slow for both ...