
  1. M

    [QEMU] Using VirGL with vhost-user-gpu in a Guest/VM?

    Hi, I have been reading about vhost-user and specifically vhost-user-gpu, which is used alongside VirGL/Venus on QEMU to provide "pieces"/"slices" of a GPU from the host to Guests/VMs. The problem with this is that using `dpdk`, this is running in user-space instead of kernel space, which is a...
  2. B

    [SOLVED] Create encrypted connection to Proxmox WebUI via public domain

    Hi, I want to setup a Proxmox instance, so that it is accessable via a public domain, by going to https://pve.domain.com, logging in and using it, as you would do it under it's local IP e.g. One special thing to mention, is that between my Router (port forwarding) and...