
  1. T

    file to smb share from proxmox

    Hello all, I want to follow this tutorial: https://tcude.net/migrating-proxmox-vm-to-hyper-v/ But I can't figure out how to move the vhd file to for example a smb share. I have added the smb share as storage in proxmox (I backup to that smb that works) I tried different commands, however my...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] CentOS 7 Migration: From XenServer to Proxmox VE

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to migrate a VM from XeServer(6.5) to Proxmox(6.3-4) Until few days ago, I can do it following next steps: 1. Export VMs from XenServer like OVF ( .ovf + .vhd file) 2. Convert VM disk (.vhd file) to qcow2 format (with StarWind 2V2 Converter) 3. Create a VM with...
  3. R

    Umzug einer virt. Fetsplatte in andere VM?

    Hallo, ich möchte gerne eine VHD, die als "Daten-VHD" einer VM dient zu einer neuen VM "umziehen". Da ich dies noch nie gemacht habe und auf der umzuziehenden VHD mehr Daten sind als ich momentan zwischenspeichern könnte, möchte ich sicherheitshalber nachfragen: Ist...
  4. M

    Exporting to Azure

    Hello! I'm goal is to migrate a VM I currently have hosted on my proxmox node to my Microsoft azure account. The problem I am facing is how to correctly export my VM disk so that I can upload it to azure. I've read posts saying you can find your disk files in /var/lib/vz/images but that...