
  1. S

    Proxmox and VEEAM Backup RemoteCertificateValidationCallback rejected

    Hi all, We've recently migrated from VMware to Proxmox and are setting up VEEAM to back up our VMs. Our setup consists of a 3-node Proxmox cluster with local storage and replication (which I don't think should affect this issue, but more details might help!). We've added our Proxmox nodes to...
  2. V

    Probleme Veeam-Backup und Proxmox Hypervisor – Veeam Worker startet nicht bzw. Errors

    Hallo zusammen, wir setzen in unserer Umgebung Proxmox als Hypervisor und Veeam als Backup-Software ein. Aktuell haben wir derzeit ein Problem, bei dem der Veeam Worker nicht korrekt funktioniert. (beim Starten bzw. Initialisieren) Backupjobs werden gestartet, allerdings wird der Veeamworker...
  3. M

    Installation of Proxmox and Replication on HP DL380 Gen9 Server

    Hello everyone, first of all, I'm new to the Proxmox world and, in a way, I have very basic knowledge of Linux virtualization. I’d like to seek advice from more experienced users if possible. I have 2x HP DL380 Gen9 servers with the following specifications in terms of memory and storage...
  4. vooze

    Problems with Veeam

    Hi! For about 10 days it was working fine, then today after importing about 8 VMs from VMware ESXI (supported Proxmox function) now Veeam can't index the Proxmox host no matter what I try. I get this message: Successfully validated the connection Successfully updated the server Failed to...
  5. F

    Veeam Client Install help

    Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong place. I couldn't find a generic "Proxmox - All other topics" home I wanted to try Veeam, in the most probable likely event something horrible happens to my hardware. After following the installation steps, the veeamsnap DKMS module failed to build...
  6. N

    [TUTORIAL] VEEAM Backup "Failed to reach hypervisor" Possible Fix

    I ran into this issue yesterday, and I couldn't find anyone with this issue that actually solved it. To give you all some context, we have a handful of two-host clusters. Each cluster is currently configured for non-shared storage, utilizing the storage on the servers themselves to run the VMs...
  7. A

    [SOLVED] Veeam Backup from VMware restore to Proxmox "io thread" is grey out.

    I took a backup with Veeam of a Windows Server 2022 VM from VMware and restore it to Proxmox. Usually when I create a new Proxmox VM, I choose right away "VirtIO SCSI single" for the controller, and the Disks have the Bus/device at SCSI with "io thread" checked, and then at the installation of...
  8. K

    Issue Adding Proxmox 7.4 to Veeam Backup and Replication

    Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an issue while trying to add my Proxmox server (version 7.4-18) to Veeam Backup and Replication. I understand that this version is not officially supported, but I have successfully added Proxmox 6.4-15 without any issues. Here are the details of the problem: When...
  9. bbgeek17

    Veeam Silent Data Corruption

    Hello Everyone, Our development team has been super busy qualifying Veeam integration for our Proxmox customers. Using internal tools designed to test the integrity of snapshots, we're seeing that Veeam 12.2 backups of live virtual machines contain silent data corruption and that the backups...
  10. O

    Veeam for Proxmox

    Is anyone actively using Veeam for Proxmox? I'm trying it out with now and it's failing. I'm getting a strange error that doesn't make grammatical sense. "Failed to check if item exists:" I'm running Veeam Ver Has anyone had any success in getting it working?
  11. K

    Standard bridge and vSwitch on the same physical NIC?

    Hey, I am using Open vSwitch on my PVE nodes, and wanted to integrate Veeams new backup solution to PVE. But in the current version of Veeam, they do not support Open vSwitch - My nodes only have 1 NIC, so i...
  12. P

    AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread, Veeam PM

    Hello everyone, Since Veeam community forum does not allow non-commercial domains to be used for registration, I decided to show up here and address any questions that you may have. I am a Senior Product Owner at Veeam and I am the one who oversees the integration with Proxmox VE. Ask away ...
  13. T

    Proxmox in Veeam Cluster wird nicht erkannt

    Mit root habe ich dies: Ich habe ein PVE-Cluster, also füge ich einen Host oder ClusterDNS hinzu. Ich kann einen Server hinzufügen. Es wird mir nur dieser eine Server angezeigt und ich kann den anderen Server nicht hinzufügen. Veeam meldet mir, dass dieser (der zweite Server) bereits...
  14. Y

    How can I configure Veeam worker network interfaces?

    Hello, I am trying to setup Veeam 12.2 in my cluster. I already setup the Veeam server and still need to install worker vm. When I tried to install worker there is nothing to choose in Network drop down settings. As per Veeam documentation, this one need to check in Proxmox network side...
  15. T

    Cluster IP and Veeam Configuration

    Veeam with other Root User: I added a Special User called "Backup" -> granted Admin/root permissons This User works fine ssh, etc but if i connect over Veeam Console i got an error: Failed to reach the hypervisor With "root" it works fine. With root i got this: I got a PVE CLuster so i add a...
  16. jsterr

    Veeam Support for Proxmox VE

    Today was a demo of the upcoming veeam support for proxmox ve. Does anyone have new information on what can be done and if there are any limitations? I saw a video on linkedin and did a quick review of what I could see from that clip: Also some links there are currently there for more...
  17. G

    Veeam Recovery zu PVE

    Hallo zusammen, Ich nutze seit einiger Zeit Proxmox als Ersatz für VMWare (machte damals schon Sinn und nach den letzten Berichten noch mehr :-) ). Nun möchte ich, da mein Server sowieso läuft und die betreffenden Rechner schon älter sind, die Rechner virtualisieren. Der eine oder andere...
  18. M

    Backing Up Proxmox with Veeam

    Hello! I swear that I've done this before but for some reason on my new Proxmox 8.1.4 system I'm having trouble installing Veeam and backing up the OS. I first tried to install Veeam like I normally do on Linux systems (command below) but when I ran a backup I get the error Veeam snapshot kernel...
  19. J

    Backup- und Restore - wie?

    Servus, ich plane, für ein Kleinstprojekt bei einem Kunden erstmals Proxmox statt VMware einzusetzen. Allerdings habe ich noch keine Ahnung, wie ich am Besten die Backups der 2-3 virtuellen Maschinen (1x Windows, 1x Ubuntu Server) vornehme? Die Datenmengen sind sehr überschaubar, sodass ich auf...
  20. B

    installing veeam linux agent

    Hello, trying to install the veeam linux agent on my proxmox test box, but am having issues attempting to add a support module for veeam have veam running and installed no problem but fails on the back job with: [error] Failed to load module [veeamsnap] with parameters [zerosnapdata=1...