usb controller

  1. 1

    [PVE Virtualization] xHCI Controller Fails to Detect USB Reconnection After Full Reset by IC Programming Tool

    內容: 你好社區, 使用IC程式設計/刻錄工具時,我在 Proxmox VE (PVE) 中遇到USB設備識別問題。以下是詳細資訊: 問題描述: IC 程式設計工具在其重啟序列期間觸發完整的 USB 電源重置 (完整的電源迴圈)。 物理 USB 設備在主機級別正確斷開連接/重新連接(通過 dmesg 驗證)。 PVE 的虛擬 xHCI 控制器無法及時同步狀態更改,從而導致 USB 裝置在客戶機虛擬機中保持「斷開連接」。 技術背景: 主機: Proxmox VE 8.X 來賓:[您的作系統 - 例如,Windows 10/Ubuntu 22.04] USB...
  2. J

    Microphone delay on guests using Pipewire?

    A year or so back I posted about this same issue both on the forum and on Reddit, I thought I'd maybe post again with new findings, here is the old thread but the short of it is, I was seeing...
  3. P

    [SOLVED] Proxmox usb controller passthrough to VM

    Hello! I am having trouble with usb controller passthrough to my vm. Currently, I am trying to set up TrueNAS on my N100 mini PC. I have an HDD connected through a USB port. Based on what I’ve read in tutorials and articles, it seems that using USB controller passthrough provides the best...