ups master

  1. N

    Proxmox as a NUT Server or Client?

    I'm running Proxmox 7.4/Kernel 6.2x on a Dell Optiplex 7070 and run a HAOS vm as well as a Win 11 VM, planning to set up containers and/or Docker eventually. I also have a Synology NAS on latest OS and a Win 10/11 PC. My APC SMT-1500 UPS has a USB port as well as a network card connected to...
  2. H

    Proxmox UPS shutdown signal from UPS Master (NAS)

    Hi, following setup: My QNAP NAS is connected to a UPS via USB, and it will shut down after 10 minutes when a power loss is detected. Now I can activate the UPS Master in the QNAP settings. This master should inform following IP addresses about the power loss: (router)