upgrade 5to6

  1. A

    [SOLVED] PVE upgrade from 5 to 6

    Hello! I have legacy Debian 9 with Proxmox5 and I'm trying to upgrade it to Buster and Proxmox6. I'm following this document https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_5.x_to_6.0 but every time I got: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the...
  2. L

    Problem with services of the monitors after upgrade

    Hi! Please help me. After upgrading promox from 5 to 6 and ceph from Luminous to Nautilus, I noticed 3 working and 3 non-working monitor services in gui. Are its ok to delete non-working monitor services? systemctl status ceph-mon@0.service ● ceph-mon@0.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon...
  3. Y

    Upgrade proxmox from 5 to 6

    Hello, what is the best choice for a 12-node cluster? 1) Upgrade nodes one by one. Initially, the newly upgraded node(s) will not have be quorate on their own. Once at least half of the nodes plus one have been upgraded, the upgraded partition will become quorate and the not-yet-upgraded...
  4. A

    VLAN stop working after upgrade proxmox 5 to 6

    Hi, today i upgrade 2 servers with proxmox 5 to 6 version. After restart server vlan stop working, when i try ifup: sudo ifup enp5s0.4000 RTNETLINK answers: File exists ifup: failed to bring up enp5s0 ifup: could not bring up parent interface enp5s0 Enp5s0 interface working. My config: auto lo...
  5. V

    Upgrade from 5.4-2 to 6.x is failing (unmet dependencies)

    Hi! I'm trying to upgrade Proxmox (5.4-2 to 6.x) now that I finally have physical access to my server again. I'm following the upgrade procedure (in place upgrade) from the wiki but I'm running into dependencies issues I don't know how to resolve. I've backed up my VMs and the /etc/ folder...
  6. Y

    I/O LXC Graph stop working after Proxmox5 to 6 Migration

    Hello, in my 3 node cluster ( ZFS ) after Proxmox6 upgrade, LXC VPS I/O Graph have stop working. ( Complitly flat ) pveversion -v proxmox-ve: 6.2-2 (running kernel: 5.4.65-1-pve) pve-manager: 6.2-12 (running version: 6.2-12/b287dd27) pve-kernel-5.4: 6.2-7 pve-kernel-helper: 6.2-7...
  7. D

    [SOLVED] "local" storage: unable to display content

    Hello, Following the update of proxmox 5 to 6, the contents of the "local" storage (/var/lib/vz) of one of the servers of the cluster are no longer accessible from the web interface. No problem to display the assembly summary, However an error occurs when displaying the content (from any...
  8. I

    [SOLVED] LVM device not mounting on boot after upgrade from 5.4 to 6.2.11

    last night I have upgraded my standalone Proxmox installation to 6 and rebooting ended up in emergency shell. I found that what prevent booting is the lvm volume I had in fstab, after commenting it, proxmox booted. I tried nearly all formats of mount in fstab and non of them worked. I tried...
  9. M

    Warning from pve5to6

    Hi, running pve5to6 lists a warning about my IPv6 as being active on multiple interfaces, but is this really important?: INFO: Checking if resolved IP is configured on local node.. WARN: Resolved node IP 'xxxx:xxx:xxx:xxxx::x' active on multiple (2) interfaces! This IPv6 is active on enp2s0...
  10. P

    Does everything really need to be completely up to date before upgrading to corosync v3

    Hello, we want to upgrade a PVE Cluster with several hosts (>10) to Version 6 from various versions of 5.x. All are using the enterprise repositories. The Process, according to the docs, is this: Phase 1: Firstly, upgrade ALL packages on all hosts to be at the latest patch level of PVE 5.4...