
  1. R

    Why LXC containers default to 2 TTYs

    I just noticed that in the default configuration of newly created LXC container, the TTY count defaults to 2. I changed it to 1 and nothing bad happens :p. Using web console and pct enter simultaneously doesn't break either. Just curious why it defaults to 2, I thought there might be a reason.
  2. Y

    [SOLVED] Unable to open console to Ubuntu 16.04 container on Proxmox 7.1 with systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0

    Hi, I'm trying to install a new container with Ubuntu 16.04 on Proxmox 7.1. According to, it is possible with customized boot options. I have followed recommendations and I can see that my kernel cmdline is properly updated...
  3. R

    xterm.js console doesnt set terminal size correctly

    Hi, The xterm.js terminal doesnt set the terminal size correctly causing the text to not wrap and overwrite the text on the current line The xterm.js console tries to set the tty size by sending "1:<cols>:<rows>:" over the websocket, however, this doesnt work Example: The actual tty size...
  4. G

    Syslog-ng write to /dev/tty10 that doesn't exists

    Hi everyone, My Proxmox 5 LXC containers are running syslog-ng on Debian 9 (stretch) and I found that syslog-ng defines /dev/tty10 by default as a log device. Ths problem is that /dev/tty10 doens't exists on containers created from the official Debian 9 template, leading syslog-ng to create a...