
  1. H

    [TUTORIAL] LXC ID mapping tool

    Hi everyone, ran into a problem with ID mapping. And there's pretty little useful information on the web, and especially online tools. I gathered a lot of information, did some testing and made my own online mapper. It makes life very much easier, the tool is completely free! Who needs it, use...
  2. S

    Proxmax ve installer iso build tool.

    Hi, Can I know which tool is used for to built an proxmax-ve-installer.iso Regards, skmdab
  3. tuxis

    New tool: pmmaint

    Hi, while managing a lot of clusters, we often run into the issue that customers have thought about where they want to have their VMs running. So, when doing maintenance on a cluster, after a reboot of a node, we need to place the VMs back on the node that they were running on. Also, when you...