
  1. D

    My Proxmox tips

    I have started posting information I have gathered about Proxmox. None of this information is overly unique but it is listed in a simple format that hopefully will help folks using Proxmox. Enjoy.
  2. Y

    Newbie Questions: How do I start?

    I'm not sure yet exactly what questions to ask... The most fundamental is - are there any sites (including pay sites) which have good tutorials (ideally video, or alternatively written) on setting up and working with PVE environments? Or do I learn from blogs and the Q&A sites such as these...
  3. P

    Best way to configure big disk backups

    I'm ruinning PBE as a backup service for my PVE systems and, as i plan to backup large set of data, i want to know what's the best approach to my problem. I have a VM with 3 disks: one system disk, one database disk and one for storage. The first two disk are reasonably small (50 and 300Gb) but...
  4. P

    Suggestion: Tips and Tricks sub-forum

    Hi, I do read through the posts and help where I can(still sort of new). Sure would be nice to read and submit tips and tricks to make usage of this great product even better. Examples could be, bash aliases, methodology on backups and deployment, best practices, optimization Thoughts...
  5. I

    question for the board

    I think their should be a category "tips and how to" section