Suggestion: Tips and Tricks sub-forum


May 22, 2019

I do read through the posts and help where I can(still sort of new).
Sure would be nice to read and submit tips and tricks to make usage of this great product even better.

Examples could be, bash aliases, methodology on backups and deployment, best practices, optimization


Thanks for reading.

things you mentioned are already discussed often in the forum, also we have a wiki[0] and official documentation[1]

you can always open threads to ask questions or suggest improvements, but i don't see the need for an extra sub-forum for discussing things which are already being discussed.


things you mentioned are already discussed often in the forum, also we have a wiki[0] and official documentation[1]

you can always open threads to ask questions or suggest improvements, but i don't see the need for an extra sub-forum for discussing things which are already being discussed.


Has nothing to do with "whats" being discussed. It has to do with organization and being able to quickly see threads like this. It can prevent people from asking the same questions over and over. I am on alot of vendor forums, and alot of them have something along these lines.
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Has nothing to do with "whats" being discussed. It has to do with organization and being able to quickly see threads like this. It can prevent people from asking the same questions over and over. I am on alot of vendor forums, and alot of them have something along these lines.

that's true, and that's exactly the reason we have a wiki and documentation, which are relatively organized and thorough (especially the official docs). for more specific tips/tricks related to setups, we have a how-to section[0] in our wiki too.

Adamb hit the nail on the head.

My post is about what we, the end users, can offer the product(to your benefit no less). My post is not about what proxmox devs offer us for guides and HOWTOs.

Please consider a separate forum for what I originally asked, thank you. I know I won't be alone in utilizing such a sub-forum.
Where do you see the difference in, you are writing to the sub-forum or the wiki? And who would maintain the sub-forum?
As the pve-docs are open source, you may also add your tips & tricks to the documentation. This will benefit even more people.

Adamb has a very good point that I think about myself. As a ideea it could be for example in the actual wiki 2 main category:
official wiki and user contributed wiki / unofficial wiki.

As Adamb has see, in the forum are many good posts (including good tutorials) who are hard to find it even if you read it some time ago (for this reason I save this info with a short description so I can find easy this topic when I need it).

Also I am pretty sure, that if the ProxMox staff will accept such kind of idea, the users will be agree to help(me included) for free. From my own experience, I can say that such kind of unofficial wiki are more intersting and with more details then the official wiki. And belive me that I learn more things/setups/tricks/avoid problems reading the ProxMox forum .... and not the wiki. I do not say that wiki is not useful.

And you can test this ideea of Adamb or others like me if you want with a pool. Create a new user in the Forum, put the question, and users can vote with a like/unlike.

Good luck and decide wise ;)
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As the pve-docs are open source, you may also add your tips & tricks to the documentation.

You can not add 50-150(at minimum) different tips/tricks in a documentation. You can not describe details about the context (I have a ...), and to put pro/con arguments. Also some of this tips/tricks are PMX version/arhitecture and maybe DATE of write. How will be a suck tips ... for Pmx version 5.x1 with kernel bla bla and with Intel cpu with firmware bla .. bla you can ... ;)

Good luck!
You can not add 50-150(at minimum) different tips/tricks in a documentation. You can not describe details about the context (I have a ...), and to put pro/con arguments. Also some of this tips/tricks are PMX version/arhitecture and maybe DATE of write. How will be a suck tips ... for Pmx version 5.x1 with kernel bla bla and with Intel cpu with firmware bla .. bla you can ... ;)
Isn't that also the point of a wiki?
In my own opinion I would do like this:

1. documentation, who will cover the basics like sintax and some simple example, like man pages

2. official wiki, with the principle of operations, with recomendations and with some usual test cases (like how is now)

3. unofficial wiki with many others test cases, with pro and con arguments with a very detail landscape (I have this problem in this enviroment and this is my solution, and maybe other ideas)

4. A dedicated forum sections with any useful soved problems and tutorials. This topics who can be useful for more user and forum members will vote that is ok (and with agree from PMX staff will be publish on unofficial wiki)

I hope I was very clear (except my bad english and writing )

Goos luck!
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Average PMX user will use docs and both wiki (off/unofficial wiki), but the user who is using PMX for the first tiime for sure will use the unofficial wiki.
Wikis aren't a good place to discuss why or how a particular thing works, or how something could be done better. A forum is a place for discussion. A wiki is a place for documenting something once it's understood.