sync error

  1. D

    [SOLVED] Backups synced on Remotes not shown in PVE

    Hi all, I have a cluster with several PVE 8.x nodes and two PBS 3.x nodes, and somehow backups made on PBS1 and synced to PBS2 are not shown in the PVE node (although they're visible in PBS2 web UI and the disk usage is shown correctly in PVE summary). I've read Backups showing in PBS but not...
  2. E

    [SOLVED] Sync job fails on a second remote PBS

    Hi, I am setting up a second PBS host. I added sync jobs to sync datastores from the first PBS to the second new one. After the sync was done I found out that all backup groups were synced but one VM was missing. Also the job log contained this error: 2023-08-07T08:37:05+02:00: sync group...
  3. S

    Proxmox Offline Mirror - too many symlins - os error 40

    Hi All, this tool is pretty cool stuff. Thanks! Unfortunately we are receiving the following error upon syncing to the medium. Error: Too many levels of symbolic links (os error 40) We are syncing PVE, Debian bullseye and Ubuntu jammy repos. Here is our...
  4. S

    PBS sync job to local usb drive failed

    Hi, I used this post to create a local sync to an external USB Drive: Everything worked fine, until I started the sync job. I always get this error: 2023-01-21T09:35:44+01:00: Starting datastore sync job...
  5. B

    Sync Job http request timed out

    Hello, I have two proxmox backup servers. One offiste to archive the backups from the first one. The offsite server (offsite) gets the backups from the first one (backup1) with sync jobs. This works for multiple datastores except for one. This datastore have about 2520 hosts. Sometimes the...
  6. V

    Can't clone CT from CT template

    Hi all! I'm a total n00b about Proxmox, started using it last week. I've created first CT template, and from it I've created a full clone without a problem. And then in that newly created CT I've done some other installations and I wanted to create a new template from it too. That went OK. But...