
  1. E

    Running Proxmox without SVM (virtualization) enabled for LXC containers?

    Hi, New to proxmox so I apologize for the ignorance. So I have built new system based on x570 board and 5900x CPU. I have encountered issues with installation of the proxmox when SVM is enabled. Proxmox would crash during the wizard and reboot. As soon as you disable SVM installation goes...
  2. T

    Disable virtualization on cluster node

    Hello, I have 3 node cluster and I would like to disable virtualization support on one node due to licensing issues. However I would like to keep Proxmox GUI on this node to be able to manage Ceph from the GUI. Every node has a ROMED8-2T motherboard with an EPYC 74F3 processor (This CPU is...
  3. L

    6 auf 7: VMs Lockup nach 5-10 Sekunden (alter Kernel klappt)

    Hallo zusammen! tl;dr Upgrade auf Proxmox 7 (Kernel >= 5.10) bringt alle VMs zum Hängen Einleitung Ich habe einen großen VPS bei einem deutschen Host (mit N beginnend). Das Host-System verwendet einen AMD EPYC 7702P und eine unbekannte KVM-Version. Mir wurde das SVM-Flag des Prozessors...