
  1. K

    [SOLVED] Reject high spamscore

    If messages exceed a score of 20, we want to reject them instead of putting them in quarantine. It seems like there is a setting somewhere, but I cannot find it. Would some kind soul tell me where to look?
  2. L

    Erweiterung API Endpunkt /quarantine/spam

    Hi, der REST API Endpunkt /quarantine/spam gibt aktuell folgende Felder zurück: Parameter Beispiel Wert spamlevel 0 receiver envelope_sender subject Test E-Mail mit einem Spam Score von -13 id C2R2453T141259902 from time 1596179005 bytes...
  3. C

    Yahoo incoming mails with DMARC_REJECT = 10

    Hi, For the past few weeks, I've been having problems with incoming e-mails from Yahoo. PMG is putting them into spam, when they are not. When I open the information about the spam, I see that there is a DMARC_REJECT that adds 10 points to the spam score. What can I do about this? Thank you...