sleep mode

  1. K

    External USB disks go to sleep and never wake up again

    I connected 2 external USB drives (1 HDD and 1 SSD NVMe) and both go to sleep and then they never wake up again. This happen even if I'm copying files from the internal disk to them resulting in a failed copy. I'd like to wake up them when necessary. Any hints?
  2. M

    How to "sleep" the video card

    Hello, I am using Proxmox 7.3-6 on a x86 device with a VGA and HDMI video output. Everything works fine, apart that the VGA signal never put the monitor to "sleep" even if I am not using the Console. As I have attached different devices to the same monitor this is very inconvenient as I need to...
  3. N

    Windows doesn't load after going to sleep

    I would like to setup my geust machine (Windoes 11) to sleep after some time. It helps to save energy. However, after going to sleep, it doesn't log in anymore via consoles or RDP. I use SPICE on Proxmox 7.3-4
  4. H

    Automatisches Starten und Herunterfahren bei Untätigkeit

    Hallo, wo kann ich es denn eingeben, dass der Proxmox-Server bei der Unterschreitung einer bestimmten CPU-Last herunterfährt? Ich möchte den Server zum Spiele- und Programme-Streamen nutzen. Wenn dann niemand mehr darauf zugreift, soll er nach 15min. ausgehen. Wie ich eine VM automatisch durch...