
  1. T

    SecurityOnion shows no Network Connection

    I'm trying to install Security Onion on my Proxmox but whenever I do it has no network connection. Ifconfig shows that a NIC is connected and that the Security Onion has an IP, DNS, and Gateway, but whenever I try to do anything it simply fails because it couldn't connect. This is the only VM...
  2. L

    Security Onion

    Hello, is it possible to mirror the network traffic of 1 virtual port in proxmox without tc? vmbr0 --> 6 virtual ports (important ens33, ens18) i want to mirror ens33 to ens18 that the Security Onion can only see her traffic is that possible without tc because tc not working for me Greets
  3. S

    installation proxmox on securityonion

    Hello, I have installed a SecurityOnion (ubuntu based OS) on my physical machine. I would like to install Proxmox into it. Is it possible to install proxmox on securityonion? Asking, because I haven't found any tutorial. Thank you.