restore file

  1. T

    Single File Restore - File Permissions

    Hello, I'm not able to figure out, how to see the file permissions of files within a vm backup(from a PVE-Node). Filesystems inside vms are formatted as ext4. When I need to restore a single file, which is very comfortable with the GUI, I also need to know the file permissions of the restored...
  2. V

    Single file restore from WS 2019 with dynamic disk

    Hello, I haven't found an answer when I looked for it, so hoping anyone could send me the right direction. We have a CEPH cluster with 3 Proxmox nodes running version 6.4-4 with zfs storage. On all VMs except one, I can restore single files. The one VM in question is a Windows Server 2019 with...
  3. D

    Restoration of specific files by NFS/CIFS/DAV

    Hi I have a Linux server where I must restore 40Go of files. This server is hosted in a VM on PVE, and backuped on PBS. The backup file is encrypted by a key known by PVE administrator, but not the VM owner (so I can not deploy the backup-client on the VM). I don't want do download a 40G file...