
  1. G

    no-subscription repo is not recommended for production use

    Hello, dumb question but is it in any way possible to disable the warning in the updates/repos? I'm just using it at home and the warning bothers me. -GhostUser
  2. O

    What happens if i don't enable any Proxmox VE repository?

    Hello there ! I understand that Proxmox provides two repositories for updates, one paid and one free. My question is, Is it a problem if i don't use any repository and don't update after a fresh install ? I just installed Proxmox VE 7.2, and disabled Enterprise repo. If i leave it at that, is...
  3. T

    Should I install the ksmtuned package available in the apt repo?

    I noticed that I have the ability to download ksmtuned from the apt repo (it says that it is not installed on all 3 of my nodes) and that it plays a large part in balancing memory usage between VMs, but it also seems like I have config files for KSM and that ballooning/memory sharing is working...
  4. C

    Upgrading to enterprise repo

    Hello, I wanted to know if we currently have the no-subscription repo and wanted to upgrade to the enterprise repo would that be possible by just changing the source list and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade or we would need to reinstall since some packages are newer on the no-sub repo ...