remove node

  1. C

    Rename nodes and delete a node from a cluster?

    I have a 4-node cluster in my homelab. I want to rename two nodes, and also delete a third node (originally created for quorum purposes only). What is the best way to proceed? I could migrate all VMs and CTs to the one node that won't be renamed, remove all the others, rename two of the nodes...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Deleted node still visible in web/corosync.conf

    I removed a node from a two node cluster. I first had to set quorum_votes: 2 inside /etc/pve/corosync.conf on the remaining node. pvecm delnode pvec1n2 worked perfectly. The removed node is offline and not connected to the network. However the deleted node is still visible as a red entry on the...
  3. S

    How does restarting a deleted node break a cluster

    Hi, According to: It states the following: Important As mentioned above, it is critical to power off the node before removal, and make sure that it will not power on again (in the existing cluster network) with...
  4. S

    Boot Laufwerk verkleinern oder neuen Node erstellen?

    Guten Abend :) ich habe so das kleine "Problem" dass ich in meinem Cluster einen Node habe, wo Proxmox noch auf einer alten 250GB HDD installiert wurde und das möchte ich gerne langsam ändern. Früher bereits gemacht von einer kleinen auf einer größeren Platte mittels Acronis. Jetzt hab ich...
  5. C

    Remove node from 2 nodes cluster

    Following the documentation I have found a problem root@NODE-2:~# pvecm delnode NODE-1 cluster not ready - no quorum? Using pvecm status I am able to see that the quorum status is listed as "Activity blocked" and is 2. So you can't remove node from 2 nodes cluster because quorum is 2. My...