reboot nodes

  1. M

    Debian VM randomly hangs on 'Loading Initial ramdisk' after node reboot/power on

    Hello to everyone, this is my first post! First of all let me thank you all because despite being a noob and working in a completely different field, thanks to the forum I learnt a lot. Let me introduce my hardware setup: a machine hostname 00-lazarus with an Intel Pentium G3220 (Proxmox VE...
  2. B

    [SOLVED] Neustart von Node im Cluster

    Moin, ich versuche gerade zu automatisieren, dass vor einem Neustart eines Nodes, die VMs, welche eine Replikation haben, zu ihren Replika Nodes migriert werden, damit die Dienste weiter laufen. Leider gelingt mir dies überhaupt nicht. Nutze zur Automatisierung Ansible und wollte, dass er...
  3. T

    node 1 randomly going down

    I have 4 node cluster built on HP consumer-grade computers ( added additional HDD via USB 3.0 interface for CPEH) one node randomly going down not able to fix this can someone please help ? Attached the log from node
  4. L

    [SOLVED] HA Cluster: One Node goes down, all other Nodes goes in reboot

    Hello, we have a 3 node PVE cluster (7.4-16), with separate cluster interfaces. The cluster interfaces are in a bond (LACP). The cluster interfaces are connected to two Cisco Nexus switches. Over the weekend our complete HA cluster failed. According to the logs of the other servers, the...
  5. S

    Unexpected reboot in the production server

    Hi, I'm having problems with my server. Unexpectedly it reboots and there is no log The server specifications are: CPU(s) 16 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz (1 Socket) kernel version Linux 5.15.74-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.15.74-1 (Mon, Nov 14 2022 20:17:15 +0100) PVE Manager Version...
  6. D

    Node auto reboot.

    Hi all. We are having a problem with 1 node in our cluster that reboots automatically and we can't find the cause yet. We are running with ProLiant DL360 Gen9. E5-2680v4, 196GB RAM. we have checked the whole hardware and it is no problem and updated the ILO and raid firmware to the latest...
  7. P

    Nodes Reboot After Upgrade to 7.1

    Hi, We are operating a PVE cluster consisting of 7 nodes. Last week cluster was upgraded from 6.4 to 7.1. After the upgrade, we are experiencing almost random reboots on nodes. Could you please help to solve the problem?
  8. S

    unmotivierte reboots 3Node-Cluster

    Hallo, ich habe seit etwa einem halben Jahr ein Proxmox-Cluster mit 3 Notes laufen, das hat bis auf ein paar kleinere Schwierigkeiten bisher wunderbar funktioniert. Seit gestern hat das Cluster drei Mal neu gebootet. Das heißt alle 3 Nodes, haben zur selben Zeit einen Neustart ausgeführt. Ohne...
  9. I

    after adding HA - pve nodes rebooting randomly every few hours.

    Hi, Since we applied the HA configuration in ProxMox 6.3-3 . The PVE nodes start randomly rebooting every few hours with no any reason. We reverted the setup, removing HA and quorum groups and system back to its normal state, however without HA. System has 5 PVE nodes. Please, advise.
  10. G

    Node reboot causes other node reboot when in cluster

    Hello, I have a cluster set up for experimenting with Proxmox. The cluster is composed of two nodes, pve1 and pve2. I have created a cluster and the nodes are joined in this cluster. pve1 is the master. I have also set up a shared NFS storage and today I was experimenting live migrations. I...
  11. A

    Neustart eines Nodes lässt den anderen auch neustarten

    Hallo alle zusammen :) Wir sind in der Proxmox-VE Testphase und möchten gerne VMware ESXi ablösen. Soweit macht alles einen sehr soliden Eindruck aber wir haben folgendes Problem: Starte ich einen Node neu, wird wenig später der andere Node auch durchgestartet. Und das ohne Rücksicht auf...
  12. A

    Nodes PVE reboot

    Hi, we have eight nodes PVE 5.1 , and we have untimely reboots of the nodes, we have openvswitch configurations in LACP, the proxmox cluster works in UNICAST Mode