
  1. C

    Proxmox/OKTA LDAP interface integration

    Hi All, I'm trying to configure Proxmox for authentication using the OKTA LDAP interface. After configuring Proxmox realms, I can see the connection is working and pulls groups from OKTA, but user sync doesn't work. Here are the user filters that I have tried. (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)...
  2. A

    How to configure HTTP PROXY for connecting to LDAP server

    Hi Community, We are trying to setup an LDAP server as a authentication source in PVE 8.0.4. The LDAP server is hosted on cloud and the PVE server doesn't have access to reach the LDAP server directly. We have configured an HTTP_PROXY under Datacenter > Options > HTTP Proxy on the GUI but...
  3. C

    Any plan to add AD as an auth source ?

    There is no option to add an AD in the Realms page. To allow pulling users and groups from Active Directory Juste like we have in PVE ? Thanks