qm shutdown error

  1. A

    Stuck VM (alternatives to connect to console?) and frozen conversion process.

    Hi, I succesfully imported a VHDX disk and started the machine (I had to set the SCSI controller to default and BIOS UEFI). The conversion process told me it converted a 60Gb-big file when actually the VHDX file was 50Gb big. Then I started the process of importing another VHDX disk. QM told me...
  2. B

    Proxmox VE 4.2.54 / qm shutdown

    Hallo, wenn eine VM heruntergefahren werden soll, wird ein Fehler angezeigt: trying to acquire lock...TASK ERROR: can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-201.conf' - got timeout Kann mir jemand mitteilen, wie die Ursache eingegrenzt werden kann? Im Pfad /var/lock/qemu-server/ existiert...