qemu-img convert

  1. A

    Why VHDX showing massively larger once converted to QCOW2?

    I did a P to V for a windows machine that created a 175GB vhdx file and then when converting the vhdx file to qcow2 it now shows as 1TB, this makes no sense? The following command is what I used to convert the file: qemu-img convert -O qcow2 DELLM4400.vhdx DELLM4400.qcow2 -p
  2. M

    VM disk Clone/Move Failing "sometimes"

    Hi, I have a 3 node Cluster running Proxmox 6.2-10. This has been all working fine at some point. Trying to clone/move a 160Gb drive fails everytime. I can move/clone the EFI disk of the same VM without issue. Other (Non-Windows) smaller VMs clone/move fine. The ISCSI storage (w/...
  3. S

    VM won't clone -exit code 1

    I have a small server with 2 ea 256G SSDs. Proxmox 4.4-24 installed on sda along with 4 VMs. sdb is used for backups (clones) of the VMs from sda. Last week one of the 4 VMs failed to clone. Unfortunately I had already deleted the known good clone from sdb. (yes you can slap me). SMART...