
  1. L

    Qemu for Proxmox (pve-qemu) with ALL Supported KVM and Emulated CPUs Debug and Release DEP Builds Available

    Hello Proxmox Users, The Issue: Proxmox (pve-qemu) currently only enables x86, x86_64 and ARM64 architectures when Qemu supports many more. History: I've seen old posts about using ARM and MIPs with Proxmox without much done to really address these missing features other than adding ARM to...
  2. W

    [SOLVED] WebUI Doesn't work(How to reinstall pve-qemu)

    Hi, all! I made a mistake. I preparing like to convert my VM from vmdk to vhd and applied a command for installation qemu: >> apt-get install qemu-utils After this WebUI wouldn't start. I treid to update and upgrade packets also tried to find some help for reinstall pve-qemu, but i...