
  1. E

    [TUTORIAL] [High Availability] Watchdog reboots

    First of all, you can recognise watchdog induced reboots of your node from the end of last boot's log containing entries such as: watchdog-mux: Client watchdog expired - disable watchdog updates kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop! You should probably start with reading the...
  2. U

    prevent vm to start on same node (HA)

    Hello, I have a setup with shared storage set up and 5 nodes. If one node crashes the VMs should be instant migrated on another node and crashed node should be left empty. My problem : 1. It takes really long for proxmox to actually start the HA-Migration (e.g. If i plug out power cable...
  3. C

    Node maintenance mode UI

    Hi, the new node maintenance mode is a great addition to Proxmox, thank you! Running sudo ha-manager crm-command node-maintenance enable pve01 worked perfectly. However, it'd be really nice to be able to manage maintenance state directly from Datacenter > HA. Is this something that's in the...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Remove HA entries while HA services are disabled

    Hi all, I'm in the middle of creating my cluster and adding new nodes. I kept pve-ha-lrm and pve-ha-crm services disabled since I'm removing cables and rebooting nodes etc. I need all nodes not to fence In the middle of deployment one of my team added vms to HA resources. I need to delete...