pve 8.2.2

  1. G

    [SOLVED] Using ISO from SMB Share

    Hello, I have a PVE 8.2.2 and I have a Truenas on my LAN with a SMB share full of ISOs. I've imported this share in Proxmox and I'd like to use it without having to upload ISOs in it. The problem is that Proxmox doesn't see the ISOs that are already in it. He can see that 44% of the share is...
  2. S

    Permission Denied while doing Backup (LXC)

    Hi, i have some issue while doing backup lxc, i got permission denied, i created lxc by adding another sudo user, it's because of that i got the error ? this the result of error Backup of VM 20003 failed - command 'set -o pipefail && lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:100000:65536 -m g:0:100000:65536 --...
  3. V

    Proxmox VE 8.2.2 newbie

    Hallo bin neu hier und noch nicht vertraut mit Proxmox VE 8.2.2. Möchte mir für Lernzwecke einen Server aufbauen, aber bekomme immer die Meldung "keine gültige Subskription" Hab einige Videos mit anleitungen durchgearbeitet, leider bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung nicht weg. Gibt es keine freie...
  4. T

    Update to PVE >= 8.2 recommended?

    Hello, the last months I followed the discussions on Proxmox VE 8.2 released! and skipped the update of my PVE instance so far. I am still afraid, that updating my server to the latest available updates on the No Subscription Repo could break my system and to be honest, I feel I am not really...
  5. R

    Create: Backup Job > Parameter verification failed. (400)

    Using PVE 8.2.2 trying to create backup job for a remote PBS 3.2-3 that was successfully added. Getting this error message on submit, I am not sure how to troubleshoot as my other PVE 8.2.2 node works fine without this error with the same PBS when making a backup job. Parameter verification...
  6. P

    Boot up schedule not working

    I have searched forums before asking this and didnt find any similar question answered, but, please, of there is already an answer on this I appologize and ask for directions to get to it. I am currently using Proxmox VE 8.2.2 on a server and True NAS Scale on another, on the same network. I...
  7. W

    PBS The backup task completes without errors, but the backup itself does not contain all the files.

    I apologize, I am writing through a translator. I have a PBS server in my network, and a file server running Windows 2012R2 Core is being backed up to it. The backup task completes without errors, and the integrity check of the backup shows that everything is fine. However, when I tried to...
  8. R

    Upgrade to Proxmox 8 causes massive TCP spikes

    I've been successfully running a pretty simple two-tier network setup for awhile: a Mikrotik CHR and a Sophos Home UTM. These are connected together with a OVS bridge, the Mikrotik connects to my network (with several VLANs configured on the Mikrotik) via an OVS bridge that connects to a trunk...