pve 7.2-3

  1. O

    The storage and VM with unknown status after reboot and after 5-10min goes back to unknown status

    Hello, I am experiencing some conditions that make me confused, at first my GUI conditions were normal, but after I turned off the server for 1 day and then I turned it back on, all statuses in both my vm and storage became gray and had unknown status. but everything is still running normally...
  2. J

    GPU pass through on PVE 7.2-3

    Hi all: I got a problem when I want to set GPU pass through to Synology DSM. I intalled the PVE 7.2-3, I thought the IOMMU was on by default,,when I set new VM on web, I can add network, SATA controller, and it does work in my router and DSM VM system, but when I add GPU to Synology DSM, to...
  3. Nefariousparity

    Forti Manager(VM) more than Occasionally "Craps out"

    I thought I would try to put this here as well as reddit Fortinet. Thanks for looking! Forti Manager (VM) (PUBLIC IP) Memory:16GB (Ballooning) CPU: 2x 4 Core DISK: 500GB (NFS)(Writethrough) Hello, I host my Forti Manager VM on ProxMox 7.2-3. I used this article albeit a few minor changes...
  4. S

    New Kernel PVE-5.15.30-2 breaks iscsi connections

    Hey, so because in the other thread no one was answering and basically ignoring this fact I have to reopen a new one. So: with the new Kernel PVE-5.15.30 my iSCSI Connections breaks and cant be revived. only the with the "old" 5.13.19-6 kernel my iSCSI connections are working. I have currently...