pve 6.0.7

  1. H

    Verifying and changing te Compression Level of Backups

    I just found out I can use pigz instead of gzip. Now I can use the higher compression without extending the time of running backups. In GZIP you can define a Compressions-Level of 9 but default is 6. How can I see which compression level I am currently using with vzdump and how can I change...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Proxmox ZFS install error on RRDC update

    Hi to all, I've recently installed proxmox 6 with ZFS, the installation went right, but after a while I received from the syslog the following errors: Oct 2 11:21:41 bs202.local.mobytgroup.com pmxcfs[3728]: [status] notice: RRDC update error /var/lib/rrdcached/db/pve2-node/bs202: -1 Oct 2...