
  1. R

    Help Please - Putty and Ubuntu 22.04

    Hi All, I have been using Proxmox for a while now, have two nodes, proficient in the use of Putty etc. However............ After creating an Ubuntu 22.04 instance, installing openssh server, enabling and starting ssh I still cannot access the ubuntu instance form Putty with the password I use...
  2. I

    Connecting to VM serial port remotely

    Hi all, Long time lurker, first time poster. I've configured a VM and have a virtual serial port attached. Usually I just login to the proxmox interface and utilise the xterm console which works a treat. But I'm curious if it's possible to connect to the virtual serial port over IP via Putty...
  3. M

    SSH Login per Putty bricht immer nach einer kurzen Zeit ab

    Hallo Zusammen, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Putty und/oder PVE-Server. Wenn ich mich als Benutzer root per Putty auf dem PVE (Version 7.1-10, war vorher aber auch immer das selbe Problem...) anmelde, kann ich für eine kurze Zeit auf dem Server arbeiten. Dann friert allerdings die Eingabe...
  4. H

    How to input IPXE commands through SSH

    Trying to access IPXE console through putty. Logging in through machine IP address (the one at the top of the boot screen). Login successful, but shell does not recognize IPXE commands. How do I access the IPXE console through SSH?