#proxmox backup server

  1. B

    Backing up VM's and LXC's offsite

    Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm planning to set up two Proxmox servers—one at my home and another at a friend's place. I have a mix of VMs and a few LXC containers running on both nodes. Server 1: 256GB Samsung NVMe (OS and some LXC containers) 500GB Kingston SATA SSD (for...
  2. A

    PBS cifs smb share not mounting on cold boot

    Hi Folks, Hope everyone is doing well! Also thanks to anyone willing to help, I really appreciate it! So, I have been stuck on this for a while and I am banging my head against the wall at this point... I set up ProxMox Backup Server with a TrueNas SMB share following this tutorial...
  3. A

    PBS datastore add error EPERM operation not permitted on OVH NFS storage

    I have virtual system on OVH cloud. PBS is running as virtual machine of PVE. I have created and mount an NFS storage in PBS at /mnt/xxx /etc/fstab ovhstorageserveraddress/path /mnt/pbs nfs defaults 0 0 /etc/mtab ovhstorageserveraddress/path /mnt/pbs nfs4...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Restore job unexpected error

    Hii everyone, since few weeks we are having issues while restoring backups from our Proxmox Backup Server Restore stops after few % of progess and it is always different everytime. The both servers are located in the internal netwerk and connected with a 100gb switch I attached the maybe...
  5. F

    Grub error after Update to v3

    Hello everybody.. I urgently need your help. Today, I upgraded our Proxmox Backup Server from version 2.x to 3. Since then, it no longer boots, and I get the error message 'error: disk xx.x.x. not found.' The recovery guide for Proxmox doesn't seem to help me here. Does anyone have any...
  6. M

    Ho wo add existing vms to new instalation

    Hi I have got a new instalation of proxmox and old disk with my vms, do not see option to transfer this machines to new disk (m.2), Disk is mounted and it is LVM2 but do not now how to copy this machines to the new disk and also add to my node
  7. G

    Tape Drives in PVE instead of PBS

    TL;DR Can you install the tape library packages from Proxmox Backup Server into in Proxmox Virtual Environment to give it the same tape library support without having to run a separate PBS instance. I recently acquired a tape library and started looking at how to implement it in Proxmox. I...
  8. S

    Expand dRaid on Proxmox Backup Server

    Hello everyone, At the moment we have dRaid configured with draid1:5d:18c:1s and we want to expand the disks with this config dRaid1:10d:34c:1s. I want to know if I can expand the dRaid with more disks without destroying the current dRaid or data on it and how?
  9. I

    Backup of iscsi drive connected to Windows server

    Backup of iscsi drive connected to Windows server Good afternoon everybody, I have an iscsi drive connected to Windows Server, but when I back up this VM using PBS, this drive is not included in the backups, only the LOCAL drive. Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem? hug to everyone !