proxmox backup

  1. W

    Backups Failing Input/output error (os error 5)

    Hi Guys I'm getting Input/output error (os error 5) when trying to backup a VM using Proxmox backup and my NAS drive. When I do a stat on the folder in question I get, stat /mnt/backup/.chunks/a103 File: /mnt/backup/.chunks/a103 Size: 12288 Blocks: 32 IO Block: 4096...
  2. I

    Slow Proxmox Backup with NVME

    I’m currently running Proxmox with an Intel Core i9-10885H (16 cores @ 2.4 GHz) and 128 GB of RAM. My setup includes NVMe drives for both the Proxmox OS and backups. I’ve noticed that during VM backups, the average transfer speed hovers around 50 MiB/s, which seems lower than expected given the...
  3. N

    Backup of stopped VMs / revisiting full backups for these VMs

    Hi, I know this has been discussed a bit in a previous thread, such as: but I wanted to see if there has been any movement in the opinion of allowing administrators to force bitmap persistence on stopped VMs. As Krzysztof...
  4. Z

    [TUTORIAL] Automatically Enable/Disable Datastores to a secondary Proxmox Host depending on host availability

    Hey All, I just wanted to chime in on this in case anyone else is in a similar situation. I have a Primary Proxmox host that runs all my VMs and network storage, and a Secondary Proxmox Backup host that I only turn on every so often to backup my Primary host over to, but otherwise keep it off...
  5. S

    Unable to Replicate Snapshot to Proxmox Backup

    Hi. I am fairly new to Proxmox as well as ZFS please forgive me if I misuse any terminology. I have a TrueNas server that is hosting some datasets. I would like to replicate snapshots of those to PBS. I have already configured and successfully connected the two through SSH. However when I try to...
  6. T

    Tape Job : Cancel job after running more than x hour

    Hi, I have configured a PBS with HP LTO6 with 1 mediapool/tape per job per day Monday for Monday etc etc. But I'm not the one who spins the tapes ( not in office ) proxmox-backup-server 3.1.2-1 running version: 3.0.3 Works fine when people spins tapes , but when holiday comes and tapes are...
  7. H

    [SOLVED] Backup always sends emails

    Hello, Since I updated to 8.0.9, I have an issue when it comes to backups. I'm backing up to a Proxmox Backup Server but, even though the backup notify is set to "On failure only", I always get an email, even if there's no error present in the backup process. Any clue what might be the cause...
  8. K

    Unable to Backup

    I hav had backup running on my vms for a couple months. However, a few days ago, I realised that they are not backing up after a power outage occured. The error I get is this "/mnt/pve/Backup does not exist or is unreachable (500)'' Please let me know if you have experience this error and how...
  9. C

    Probleme beim Speichern auf promox 7.2-11: command 'set -o pipefail && lxc-usernsexec

    Ich benutze die Backup-Funktion von proxmox 7.2-11. Seit vier Tagen habe ich Fehler bei der Sicherung meiner Container. Ich habe dieses Problem nur bei den Versionen 10 und 11 von débian. Bei Version 9 tritt das Problem nicht auf. Hier sind die Fehlermeldungen With stop vm INFO: starting new...
  10. T

    Not-fully-trusted remote - how?

    hi, my current configuration: - local Proxmox VE + some backups via proxmox-backup-client - Local Proxmox Backup Server. Backups doesn't use encryption because this (as far as I understood docs at )...
  11. B

    Immutable backups

    Hi every one, All is in the title or almost ;-) Is it possible to configure it ? If yes, how can I do it ? Regards PS : My environment : Proxmox and Proxmox Backup
  12. S

    Mysql corruption

    I've got three mysql vms, running on latest proxmox. Server version: 10.6.5-MariaDB-1:10.6.5+maria~focal-log binary distribution. db1 - master, runs fine. db2 - slave, runs fine, no apparent corruption, passes mysqlcheck etc I am running backup to a proxmox backup server, but when...
  13. R

    Proxmox VM BackUP bleibt stehen.

    Hallo, ich habe eine VM auf meinem Proxmox Cluster wo ein NAS System drauf läuft. Meine HDD habe ich via passthrough eingebunden und dies funktioniert soweit auch ganz gut. Nur sobald ich ein BackUP starte bleibt es hier stehen: Task viewer: VM/CT 100 - Backup AusgabeStatus Stopp INFO...
  14. O

    Huge size of LXC backup using Proxmox Backup

    Environment: $ pveversion pve-manager/6.4-13/9f411e79 (running kernel: 5.4.143-1-pve) # proxmox-backup-manager versions proxmox-backup-server 2.1.2-1 running version: 2.1.2 Replication process (from one pve node to another): The size is about 1.29G and the time ~20 seconds. 2022-01-04...
  15. L

    Directory not empty at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 1067

    Hello Guys, I'm having an issue while backing up VM to a mnt drive. See error bellow: cannot remove directory for /mnt/backup/tobackup/dump/vzdump-qemu-102-2021_09_16-12_53_20.tmp: Directory not empty at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ line 1067. ERROR: Backup of VM 102 failed - unable to...
  16. I

    proxmox backup replication? (second twin off site)

    finally i revived the hardware for our first BBS, and before installing i would like to ask some questions to know what is the best approach to meet our requirements backup lxc\vms (that that pbs is designed to ) 1. what is the best method to do : nfs share to store vm backups (hyper-v...
  17. F

    Proxmox-backup-client failed : Error: EACCES: Permission denied (500)

    Hello guys ! I rely on you because I have a problem ! I have 4 servers on which PBS is installed. On this 4 servers, two of them can no longer connect to PBS and their storages went to the status of "unknown" and when I go the "backup" tab, I read this error message ...
  18. H

    [SOLVED] Unable to create backup group "/mnt/datastore/<datastore>" - Permission denied (os error 13)

    Greetings Proxmoxians I've just deployed a PBS server with a single ZFS datastore (zbackup in the backup log below) and cannot seem to figure out why backup tests are failing with these permission errors. The PVE cluster is authenticated against PBS with a user eeboo@pbs who has Admin...
  19. I

    Backup Size Reporting

    Hey Guys, Ok so I have 1 EXTREMELY SMALL but EXTREMELY frustrating problem with proxmox backup server... First off... 1 Million bonus points to Proxmox team for building the software and getting it to run so smooth! I need to determine how I'm going to structure our backups... But I can't see...
  20. W

    iothread for vm backup

    I would like to know if it's fine to set iothread to 0? I've just noticed that some of my backups failing causes of iothread was set to 1. any suggestions are greatly appreciated