proxmox 8.2

  1. A

    proxmox as a desktop

    good morning, So, contrary to popular opinion, I've decided to try to use proxmox as a primary desktop. Conceptually, correct me if I'm wrong, it seems plausible to have GPU pass through to a vm of windows 11 and then run proxmox off of integrated graphics. Testing this concept has not been...
  2. T

    Legacy BIOS Installation

    Hi. Noob here. Let's try this again, I've learned a little. Not much, but a little. Installed Proxmox on an HP ML350 Gen 8 V 2. It does not support EFI (or secure boot). I got the results outlined in the Host Boot Loader article in the wiki (except the EFI partition is a gig, not 512 MB)...
  3. F

    Proxmox seemingly shutting itself down, then repeatedly powercycling until I manually switch the PSU off.

    I'm currently running an E5-2697A v4 single CPU, on a Machinist x99 motherboard (not sure which specific model, but does it really matter?) and 32gb of ddr4 non-ecc memory. It runs fine for like 15-30mins and then sends the shutdown signal on it's own. I have 3 theories on why this is happening...
  4. A

    PBS configuration for LXC inside raidz

    Hi Thankfully I did install Proxmox VE then PBS inside LXC using tteck script. Also I did configure the backup storage as a raidz. then I did create a ZFS dataset for backup storage. After that I did create a mount point for the PBS LXC inside the backup dataset. to use it as the backup storage...
  5. K

    Proxmox Umzug 5.4 von NUC Celeron auf Proxmox 8.2 NUC-i3 geplant bitte um Hilfestellung.

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe aus Unwissenheit in der Vergangenheit versäumt meinen Proxmox mal hochzuziehen. Nun Plane ich einen kompletten Umstieg auf einen stärkeren NUC und werde in diesem Zug Proxmox 8.2 frisch aufsetzen. Ich versuche seit Tagen Informationen zu finden wie ich am besten...
  6. M

    Multiple errors while adding Esxi virtualmachines to proxmox

    Hello everyone, im using proxmox version 8.2 and im receiving multiple errors while I end the EsXi import tool configuration, as I click on the button "add" the first time I received this error "create storage failed: failed to spawn fuse mount, process exited with status 65280 (500)" when i...
  7. Z

    iKOOLCORE R2 and its Realtek RTL8156BG-based 2.5G NIC

    Hi everyone, I have a iKOOLCORE R2 that I want to use as a homeserver that hosts various network and other applications. Since it has 4 NICs (3 x Intel i226-v 2.5G network cards (via PCIe) and 1 x Realtek RTL8156BG-based 2.5G network card (via USB 3.0)). I wanted to use 2 of the Intel NICs for...
  8. I

    [SOLVED] Boot from auto-install .iso help

    Hello, I have followed the official docs for setting up an .iso for Automated Installation, but when booting from the finalized USB we get stuck at a blank grub> prompt. Here is an outline of the steps performed. Create answer.toml file Verify answer file by running...
  9. B

    [SOLVED] Docker container would not start after upgrading Proxmox VE 8.1 to 8.2 with "OCI runtime create failed"

    Hi everyone ! After upgrading Proxmox VE 8.1 to 8.2, some of my docker containers running on LXC failed to start. Here is the message I had when trying to `docker start` a container : docker start portainer_agent Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to...
  10. S

    [SOLVED] Asus Vivobook power limit and fancontrol issue [FIXED]

    I am using a laptop with a i913900H as a home server and I just tried to do some software encoding tests (using handbrake) on the ubuntu 24.04 VM. I felt like they where taking a bit long even tho they where software only and the laptop fans aren't ramping up. Checked cpuinfo and powerstat and...