
  1. L

    If NFS is not available cant start Container

    Hi, I have 2 containers one privileged and another unprivileged both have the same configuration on /etc/fstab They both start if the NFS storage is available. However, when NFS storage is not available, the unprivileged container fails to start and the privileged starts but never connects to...
  2. M

    CT not properly working after manually making privileged

    I wasnt aware of the process how to make an unprivileged CT privileged, so I just changed "unprivileged: 1" to "unprivileged: 0" in the conf. Then I could not start docker any longer the CT, so I reversed this change. But docker could still not be started. I assume the permissions have been...
  3. 4

    Ubuntu LXC - Can't start AppArmor

    I'm having an issue with Proxmox 7.2 (and also on previous versions); when I create a fresh, privileged Ubuntu container, I cannot get apparmor to load. I've tried with nesting on and off as well. I don't believe I've done anything funky with the hosts at all; but they have all been around for a...
  4. H

    Share folder between 2 cts

    Hello, I am new to Proxmox and very anxious to start using it as my homelab. I have been reading and trying to do things, and right now I am trying to do something that has taken me quite some time reading and testing without any success. Is is possible to share via NFS from one container to...
  5. H

    [SOLVED] CIFS Share und/oder Docker Container?

    Hallo! Ich möchte in meinem lxc Container ein CIFS-share und einen Docker Container laufen lassen. Leider ist es wohl so, dass man für CIFS privilegiert benötigt und für Docker unprivilegiert benötigt. Kann ich das irgendwie umgehen bzw. lösen? Error-Code: docker: Error response from daemon...
  6. W

    [SOLVED] Problem with USB HDD in read only mode at LXC after upgrade 5.x to 7.x

    I did in place upgrade from 5.x to 7 and after that my HDD on LXC bind as mp became suddenly read only. On host I can access mounted UBS drive and write to it as root. On LXCs (priviliged) mp setup did not changed from 5.x, they have no "extra" options added from my end but they suddenly...
  7. M

    No shell privileged container

    Hello, I had a great install of CentOS on a container in Proxmox, with several users set up. I had to then change the container to be privileged as I needed to be able to create and used tun interfaces. Since that time I can no longer SSH into the container (but the webserver GUI I had set up...
  8. S

    BUG: Error Restoring LXCs when from Privileged Containers

    Hi, I am very very worried because I cannot restore several LXCs from a backup done on PBS. Here is the error I get: recovering backed-up configuration from 'pbs:backup/ct/109/2021-04-18T05:00:02Z' Formatting '/mnt/p03ssd/images/109/vm-109-disk-0.raw', fmt=raw size=26843545600 Creating...
  9. M

    Apparmor permission issues after switching from unprivileged to privileged LXC

    I was running an unprivileged LXC and converted it to a privileged one (backed it up and then restored with it set to privileged) and now I have issues with Apparmor. My main problem is starting a Docker container ~/pihole$ docker-compose up Creating network "pihole_default" with the default...