
  1. K

    Ceph install via offline mirror (POM) fails

    Dear, I am new to Proxmox, so please bear with me. I am currently setting up an offline 4-node test-cluster with PVE in order to convince my boss to move away from standalone ESXi-servers to 1 decent PVE-cluster in the future. We work in an offline environment so I installed a Proxmox Offline...
  2. A

    How to set a static path for POM

    I install POM today , for the local snapshot and maj , my question is , how to set a static path with this ? the name of folder change with date time etc .. for the maj i want a static path , not a pathe where going 30 folder for maj my debian ? Thanks you for reading
  3. R

    Proxmox Offline Mirror - Debian Repository needed?

    Hi, I set um the Proxmox Offline Mirror successfully, and connected my nodes with it. My question is fairly simple: To keep my nodes updated (and most importantly all security holes patched), do I need a snapshot of the Debian repository, too? Right now I only snapshotted (meaning syncd and...
  4. A

    [SOLVED][Proxmox Offline Mirror] Can't mirror ubuntu repo

    Hello, I'm trying to mirror the ubuntu jammy repo with Proxmox Offline Mirror tool version 0.6.2 on a debian bookworm host. The URL of the repo is https://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, a french mirror of the official repo. - First I downloaded the Ubuntu GPG signing keys from the latest...
  5. F

    [SOLVED] Proxmox-offline-mirror ceph-quincy enterprise repo status code 401

    Guten Morgen, ich nutze seit Anfang des Jahres den proxmox-offline-mirror sehr erfolgreich um die hier im Betrieb vorhandenen Cluster in dem Update-Stand zu verwalten. Für jeden Cluster wir ein Symlink verwendet, sodass es möglich ist nachträglich Systeme auf den gleichen Stand zu installieren...
  6. S

    Proxmox Offline Mirror - too many symlins - os error 40

    Hi All, this tool is pretty cool stuff. Thanks! Unfortunately we are receiving the following error upon syncing to the medium. Error: Too many levels of symbolic links (os error 40) We are syncing PVE, Debian bullseye and Ubuntu jammy repos. Here is our...