
  1. H

    Verifying and changing te Compression Level of Backups

    I just found out I can use pigz instead of gzip. Now I can use the higher compression without extending the time of running backups. In GZIP you can define a Compressions-Level of 9 but default is 6. How can I see which compression level I am currently using with vzdump and how can I change...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Making a backup using pigz compression results in errors and a failed backup?

    This is what my vzdump default settings look like: #vzdump default settings tmpdir: /tmp dumpdir: /mnt/pve/synology/dump #storage: STORAGE_ID mode: snapshot compress: gzip #bwlimit: KBPS #ionice: PRI #lockwait: MINUTES #stopwait: MINUTES #size: MB #stdexcludes: BOOLEAN #mailto: ADDRESSLIST...
  3. Y

    Template backup fails when using pigz

    Not sure if this is the right place for this... We've got a three-node cluster that stores VMs on Ceph, and backs up to a locally-mounted CIFS share. Each node has pigz enabled in /etc/vzdump.conf, and regular VMs back up fine. When trying to back up a template, I see the following error...
  4. H

    space missing for vzdump with pigz?

    Hi there, (where do I do "code blocks" with this forum software's rich text editor?) I did a manual start of vzdump for VMs (Somehow the vzdump cron didn't fire O_o) using this command line: root@proxtracs01:/etc/cron.d# vzdump -all 1 --mailnotification always --mode snapshot --mailto...