permission check failed

  1. D

    Help with api permissions

    Here is the identity & permissions I have setup. pveum user add foundry@pve --password "<redacted>" --email "" pveum user token add foundry@pve foundryApi --comment "API token for Foundry VM management" pveum role add FoundryApiRole --privs...
  2. A

    Cannot change network of a VM when user hasn't got permission for old network

    I have noticed an issue and would like to verify if this is intended behaviour. I have given a user permission to reconfigure a VM, however the VM's NIC is currently configured for a vmbr that the user does not have permission for. They're able to access and use the VM without any trouble even...
  3. A

    Proxmox Backup client Error: permission check failed.

    So, i configured a pbs and i also added proxmox backup client on a standalone machine and tring to take backup from the standalone machine to the pbs and i added this script to the client machine. I create a new user which is called CBackup i added an admin permission to the datastore/JU-BACKUP...
  4. S

    ansible LXC creation

    Heyo, playing with ansibles community.general.proxmox modul. Trying to create simples LXC: --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create new LXC community.general.proxmox: node: "my node" api_user: "my user" api_token_id: "my id" api_token_secret: "my token"...
  5. A

    "Create Cluster" action is not allow for an administrator

    Hi, I would try the new Proxmox 5.2 and I want use "Create Cluster" feature. But, I use proxmox authentication and I have disabled the root linux account. When I use this feature with my administrator account, I have this error : Permission check failed (user != root@pam) (403) Why only linux...
  6. V

    Verbindungsfehler 401: 403 Permission check failed (permission denied - invalid PVE Ticket)

    Hallo, Ich habe 2 Proxmox host und habe vor einiger zeit einmal versucht diese in einem Cluster laufen zu lassen, was mir allerdings nicht so zusagte, woraufhin ich diese Einstellungen wieder entfernen wollte. Dies gelang mir auch soweit nur das ich mich an beiden Hosts nichtmehr einloggen...