pct restore

  1. A

    CTs migration from 4.x to 8.x with vz restore from backup fails

    Hello, I have a customer that has proxmox 4.x that i inherited with 2 CTs on it and I need to migrate those 2 CTs to new proxmox 8.x environment. I am facing some problems I don't know how to get by. I created backups of both CT machines on old proxmox and copied backups to new proxmox...
  2. J

    pct restore can't find file

    Hi guys, my first post here... so please appologize for any wrong aproach. I run PVE 7.2-3 with few VM's and few more CT's. Today one CT run out of space because of my mistake yesterday (root disk size =40GB ), but few hours before crash, cronjob do backup of this CT. So I want now to restore...
  3. J

    pct - selektiver Restore mit allen Meta-Daten

    Wie kann man aus einem Backup auf dem Proxmox Backup Server einen selektiven Restore einzelner Verzeichnisse mit allen darunter liegenden Daten und Verzeichnissen samt Meta-Daten (owner,group,acls,xattrs,...) in einen laufenden Container bewerkstelligen? Also etwas vergleichbares wie z.B...
  4. B

    pct restore : Cannot write: No space left on device

    Hi there, I'm trying to restore an openvz container from an old proxmox server and I got "No space left on device" . I don't understand why as there is more than 1.7 Tb free in the system. lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda...
  5. W

    restore LXC with HA into local storage

    bonjour, I am aware of the fact that local storages do not support containers/VMs with HA. But I have to restore some LXCs backups (in .tar.lzo format) in local storage from time to time and I always fail (local storages are not meant for HA enabled containers/VMs ) Is there a way to disable HA...
  6. A

    pct restore from pipe fails

    Heyho! I've setup up two no hosts in a new datacenter and tried to move LXCs from the old hosts via vzdump & ssh-pipe. This failed several times and I could break the problem down to `pct restore` from pipe: root@host:~# vzdump 99999 --stdout | pct restore --storage ssd --rootfs 1 99991 -...
  7. T

    pct restore, zfs list timeout

    Hello: My host is moving some ZFS datasets around bringing IO delay a little above 6%. While this was happening I brought over a CT from another host using vzdump, scp the .gz file over to the 'busy' host, and then try to pct restore it there. The target disk for the restore was not one of the...
  8. E

    bug in "pct restore"

    I am transferring a LXC between proxmox nodes. When I run "pct restore ..." on the new node the process fails at the end with "unable to open file /etc/pve/firewall/103.fw.tmp.11828' - No such file or directory" and the restore is cancelled. The solution is simple - run "mkdir...