pct create

  1. P

    [solved] Unable to "pct create" an unprivileged debian container

    Hi, I'm using Proxmox PVE 8.1. Creating unprivileged containers using the WebGUI works fine, but I'm unable to create an unpriviledged container using the pct create command line tool and even worse I'm unable to find my mistake. Thus your help is very much appreciated. #Creating an privileged...
  2. B

    Pct openwrt os-type support

    Hello, I would like to use openwrt in a lxc container. It currently works with some customization and I'm working on trying to minimize them. One of the main problem usually encountered by users is the pct ostype detection. We need to set it to unmanaged to create the container, otherwise it...
  3. F

    How to create a container from command-line (pct create) ?

    Hi, I'm blocking on this. Why does it not create the volume ? root@pve1:~# pct create 117 /mnt/pve/cephfs/template/cache/jammy-minimal-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.xz --hostname gal1 --memory 1024 --net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,ip=,tag=10,type=veth...
  4. J

    My `pct create` script: seeking feedback, have questions about `--storage`

    1. can anyone find problems or offer general feedback on the script below? (The IP addresses have been redacted. Said script seems to run fine in initial testing.) 2. I have questions about the --rootfs vs --storage options as noted in my post reply below. 3. Is there a collection of...
  5. R

    Create Container Storage Device from Command Line

    What is the proper way to create storage devices for containers from the command line? I did not find enough info in the wiki command line tools talking about this. Example, I wish to create a container from the command line and seems I need to create the storage device first: pct create 103...
  6. X

    Problem pct create

    Hello everybody, I create my container with the command pct create. pct create $CTID local:vztmpl/$Template.tar.gz --cpulimit $CORE --cpuunits 1024 --hostname $NAME --memory $MEMORY --net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,gw=$GWIP,ip=$IP/24,type=veth --onboot 1 --ostype centos --rootfs...
  7. R

    Where is the manual page of "pct create" ??

    Hi, A few days the wiki page for the command "pct create" is here : https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Manual:_pct But now, this page is totally empty ! cf "{{#pveman:pct.1.html}}" Problem, hacking, or don't know this problem ?? Thx.
  8. D

    pct create command log

    Hi proxmox guys ;) I noticed that, contrary to backup operation, CT creation doesn't issue full command in logs (neither in WebUI nor in /var/log file) :( Is there a way to retrieve full pct create command used when creating a CT through WebUI? Thanks in advance!