pbs 3.2-3

  1. WORK-Microwave

    SSL Dheat attack vulnerability CVE-2002-20001

    In out security scan of Backup Server 3.2-3 we got back that there is an issue on port 8007. It detect CVE-2002-20001. The vulnerability is based on the following retrieved information from 8007/TCP: Vulnerable cipher suites with DhKeyExchange algorithms supported by the server...
  2. I

    User Permissions / Group Permissions

    Hi everyone, We are currently using the latest version of Proxmox Backup Server with the tape backup functionality. We would like to restrict the permission for certain users so that they only have audit permissions for the tape backup function. We can solve this by setting the following...
  3. R

    Create: Backup Job > Parameter verification failed. (400)

    Using PVE 8.2.2 trying to create backup job for a remote PBS 3.2-3 that was successfully added. Getting this error message on submit, I am not sure how to troubleshoot as my other PVE 8.2.2 node works fine without this error with the same PBS when making a backup job. Parameter verification...
  4. W

    PBS The backup task completes without errors, but the backup itself does not contain all the files.

    I apologize, I am writing through a translator. I have a PBS server in my network, and a file server running Windows 2012R2 Core is being backed up to it. The backup task completes without errors, and the integrity check of the backup shows that everything is fine. However, when I tried to...