
  1. K

    Migration script from oVirt/RHEV to Proxmox

    Hi, I successfully managed to migrate 200+ Linux VMs from oVirt/RHEV to Proxmox by utilizing oVirt and Proxmox APIs. I thought that i share the script since i guess that others are in the same situation as myself. Script does no changes to the oVirt environment more than initiate shutdown of...
  2. B

    Migrate VMs from Redhat Virtualization to Proxmox

    Hello, I have 25 VMs that I want to migrate from RHV/Ovirt to Proxmox 6. Is there a simple/automated way to do that ? ( without implying Clonezilla or something else ) Apologies for posting into this thread, but haven't found a support or discussion thread
  3. S

    Ideas on Migrating from oVirt

    Hi, we are in the process of migrating from oVirt with iSCSI-Storage to Proxmox with CEPH Storage. We already confirmed that it is possible to use a Backup-Volume created by oVirt, copy it to a local storage device on proxmox and then convert it to ceph storage. However, this is a long...